Our community flower beds were all upgraded last summer, and we must keep them looking good! Therefore, we need several volunteers to commit to maintaining (i.e. weeding) a community flower bed within our neighbourhood. Please consider adopting a flower bed to weed. Several neighbours have already committed to various beds. We hope to have all beds “adopted” this summer. Please see below which beds are available for adoption and email beauty@woodhaven-edgemont.ca to participate. Thank you for your commitment to your neighbourhood!
The following is a list of the beds that are adopted.
C1, C2, C3, C4, C8
E1, E2
F1, F2
Map B: Northeast, Condos, Conservation Area
Map C: Pond
Map E: West, Edmunds Crescent
Map F: South Central, Edworthy Way, Top of Ravine
Your Woodhaven-Edgemont Home0wners Association (HOA) is committed to the maintenance, beautification, and the long-term value of our properties. However, community beautification is the responsibility of all of us that call Woodhaven-Edgemont home. Therefore, here are just a few friendly reminders/ideas on how we can each make a big impact:
Thank you for your commitment to our neighbourhood!!!!
Woodhaven – Edgemont Friends and Neighbours
The Woodhaven-Edgemont Homeowners Association (HOA) is committed to the maintenance, beautification, and long-term property values of our community. Thank you to all of the volunteers who help keep our community looking good.
This year we will be on the lookout for Woodhaven-Edgemont Good Neighbours that contribute to our community’s beautification. If you would like to nominate a good neighbour, please email the Board at board@woodhaven-edgemont.ca.
Ways you can help to keep our community beautiful:
Thank you for your commitment to our neighbourhood.
Please share your input and ideas with us.
Website: https://woodhaven-edgemont.ca
E-mail us at: board@woodhaven-edgemont.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Woodhaven Peeps, Pups & Munchkins
Mail us at:
Woodhaven-Edgemont Homeowners Association
PO Box 73082, RPO Hamptons, Edmonton AB T5T 3X1
Beautification Committee
This committee will be responsible to obtain input on how we can improve on the landscaping and grounds of the Community, and for developing a plan that once approved will then go to the Standing Maintenance Committee for implementation as required.
If you are interested or have ideas to share, please contact the Beautification Committee, at beauty@woodhaven-edgemont.ca
Chair: Toni Laurie
Members: George Alvarez, Anthony Olivares, Judy Parker, Patrick Rioux, Brendan Legg
Standing Maintenance Committee
This committee will responsible for determining and obtaining services under contract to the HOA for maintaining the landscaping where necessary, and not under the responsibility of the City of Edmonton.
If you have comments to share, please contact Darcy Weiss, at board@woodhaven-edgemont.ca
Chair: Darcy Weiss
Members: Matt Klassen